Monday, July 17, 2017

AUCTION ITEM: Query letter + first 10 pages of a manuscript critique from Lyndsay Ely

Auction Donor: Lyndsay Ely, author of GUNSLINGER GIRL (Jan '18 from Jimmy Patterson/Little, Brown)

Donation Item: Query letter + first 10 pages of a manuscript critique

What you'll get if you win:  Critique of query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript.

Starting bid: $20.00

*Please ONLY bid in $1.00 dollar increments (no loose change).
*Please leave bid amount and email address in this format: 
emailaddress [at] provider [dot] com

Availability: International 


#fightingFORkayla Auction Items: LIST OF ALL ITEMS

Here you'll find all of the items listed in this auction!  Scroll through and click on the links to bid!  Good luck, have fun...